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neutral line中文是什么意思

用"neutral line"造句"neutral line"怎么读"neutral line" in a sentence


  • 中和线
  • 中和轴线
  • 中线性
  • 中性线,中立线
  • 主航道中心线


  • The numerical method to solve the equation for spatial amplification theory is described in detail . deduced first - order system equations from spatial instability theory and its eigenvalue problem are solved and neutral lines varied with mach numbers are given
  • From the perspective of minimum transmission losses , an instantaneous reactive power theory for systems with any number of phases and with or without neutral line is developed . under the new definition , each quantity has its own physical meaning , and the zero sequence current can be decomposed into active and reactive components . furthermore , a generalized compensation method for zero sequence current is developed
    从输电损耗最小的角度出发,提出了任意相无中性线或有中性线系统的瞬时无功功率理论,在新的理论下,每个量都有清晰的物理意义,且能分解出零序电流的有功分量和无功分量,并给出了通用的零序电流补偿方法,揭示了瞬时无功功率理论与传统平均意义下的无功功率理论的联系及本质区别,从而为研究hvdc - vsc及各种facts装置的无功功率控制奠定了理论基础。
用"neutral line"造句  
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